How to Clean and Disinfect Occupied Patient Rooms in Your Healthcare Facility

Posted on: 8 August 2022


Infection control is of the utmost importance in any healthcare setting, but it's especially critical in patient rooms. To protect both patients and staff, you need to clean and disinfect occupied patient rooms regularly. Here are some tips for doing so effectively.

Dispose of All Trash and Dirty Linen

In an occupied patient room, there are several ways to dispose of trash and dirty linen. For starters, you can put them in the designated receptacles. These receptacles are typically located near the door of the room.

Another way to dispose of trash and dirty linen is to put them in a bag and tie the bag shut. This method is typically used when the trash is too full to fit in the receptacle or when the patient is leaving the room.

Finally, you can dispose of trash and dirty linen in a hamper. Hampers are usually located in the bathroom or closet of the room. This method is usually used when the trash is too full to fit in the receptacle or when the patient is staying in the room for a long time. 

Regardless of which method you use, be sure to consult an established medical cleaning service to ensure that all of your medical waste is disposed of properly. You could outsource your medical cleaning needs to a reputable company that specializes in infection control. This way, you can be sure that your patients and staff are protected from the spread of infection.

Clean and Disinfect High Touch Areas

Given the importance of hygiene in healthcare facilities, you need to clean and disinfect high-touch areas in an occupied patient room regularly. Some of the most common high-touch areas include door handles, light switches, bed rails, call buttons, and sink fixtures. To clean these surfaces, start by using a mild detergent and water.

The room should then be sprayed with a hospital-grade disinfectant, paying special attention to high-touch areas. Make sure you allow the disinfectant to dry completely before allowing the patient to return to the room. That's because some disinfectants can be harmful if they come into contact with the skin or eyes.

Pro-tip: Implement a colour-coding system to help you keep track of which areas have been cleaned and which still need to be disinfected. This strategy will help you to avoid cross-contamination and ensure that all high-touch areas are properly sanitized.

By following these simple steps, you can help to ensure that an occupied patient room is safe and clean. To learn more, contact a medical cleaning service near you.